Mirror Cycle Of Creator Energy Field

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### Benefits of the Creator Energy Field

1. Transforms Negative Self-Image: Replaces negative self-beliefs with empowering attitudes, breaking the cycle of negativity.

2. Promotes Positive Reflection: Encourages focusing on positive confirmations, reinforcing a constructive self-view.

3. Facilitates Conscious Creation: Helps you consciously create your desired reality, leaving past failures behind.

4. Enhances Confidence and Clarity: Boosts self-assurance and clarity, enabling you to pursue your goals with determination.

5. Supports Continuous Growth: Encourages consistent application of positive attitudes, leading to sustained personal and professional growth.

6. Aligns Intentions: Helps align thoughts, words, and actions, promoting congruence in achieving goals.

7. Removes Doubts: Eliminates egoistic doubts, making the path to success clearer and more achievable.

8. Encourages Gratitude: Fosters a habit of gratitude, attracting more positive experiences and reinforcing the mirror principle.

Initially for most people, why they keep staying stuck in an undesired situation, this is where they begin. They look at their outer reality and they begin with what's in my environment right now. Oh, I went through all these traumatic events in the past, I never succeeded in any of the businesses that I tried to start. So they begin here. This is their number one, and then they use the reflection to form their new attitude. They say, "Oh, okay, I'm the kind of person who's a failure. I suck, I'm a loser, I never get what I want." And when they form that attitude, the mirror has no choice but to reflect and say, "Oh, you think you suck? Okay, here you go, you suck." And then the mirror reflects, and then they observe that reflection again, form that same attitude, mirror reflects, they compound this to the power of infinity, and they get to the end of their lives, and they're like, "Wow, I never achieved anything worthwhile, never did what I wanted to do, this was a wasted life." Sure hope that doesn't happen to you, and it won't if you flip it to the mirror cycle of the Creator.

So the Mirror Cycle of The Creator Energy Field is in the following. You actually begin here, this is your number one. You completely ignore what's happened in the past. So in one of the past few days , I was talking to one of my clients who is a Canadian playwright. They mentioned to me how when a setback occurs, they've had many incidents where they get to the last, the final stretch, and then something happens, the actor gets sick or the director wants to quit, and then they can never move forward with their play. And so they're like, "Oh, okay, well this is just how it is, this is just how I've been, this is just how I am." They observe the reflection of their current reality and how things have been up until this point.

With this Mirror Cycle of Creater Energy Field , You're starting a new paragraph, anything that's happened in the past doesn't matter anymore unless it's positive. It doesn't matter. This Energy Field start from this moment onwards and this pick and attune our new attitude. This Energy Field begin with the new attitude of, "I am a successful playwright, I am a successful business owner, good things happen to me, everything that happened in the past is an anomaly because I wasn't conscious, I didn't consciously create it. From this moment, I am conscious." The Mirror cycle Of Creater Energy Field will slowly start to reflect it. It's going to take some time for the full reflection, but the this Energy Field will slowly start to reflect it. So this becomes number two. This is the Mirror Cycle of Creator Energy Field, which then leads you to number three. You observe the reflection, only the good reflections. You look for the confirmation of anything positive, and you ignore all else that doesn't serve it.

Have you ever noticed how the greatest minds in the world are incredibly biased? They are in their own world. If you read Elon Musk's biography, his ex-wife Justine says it's Elon's world, and we're all living in it. His sense of reality is so strong, his attitude is so strong, reality reflects it. Now you might not want to live a stressful life like Elon or any of these other elites, you might just want a sliver of freedom, but this is how you do it. So you begin here, you form the attitude, the Mirror Cycle of Creater Energy Field will inevitably reflect. You're going to see the tiniest bits of reflection. I only look for what I want to look for, what I want to find. If I look at criticism, it's only to improve and get better. Mirror reflects, observe reflection, use the reflection to strengthen your new attitude.

Just think about something that you want to improve in your life right now. Write an attitude statement, something like, "I am the kind of person..." You might want to write in the third person, "He is the kind of person that attracts $20,000 a month," or however much money you want to make. Find a confirmation of it, consciously look for a confirmation that leads even one step forward. And by the way, this is ridiculous, right? Because I'm saying, "Hey, look, I want to view myself..." I've always viewed myself as ugly, "I want to view myself as attractive to the opposite sex." So, "y/n is extremely attractive." New attitude statement. Reflection information that I notice in my reality is, "Oh, Starbucks line girl looks at me for 3 seconds longer than usual." In the past, I would have said, "She's looking at me longer than usual because I'm ugly and she's never seen someone as hideous as me before." But now in this new reality, I say, "Oh, she's looking at me because she probably thinks I'm really attractive." Maybe you don't believe it, just say it to yourself because if you say it to yourself enough, guess what's going to happen? You're going to start to believe it, like the music you listen to, the songs you listen to, the news you listen to, the people you listen to around you. Keep saying it to yourself enough, you're going to start to believe it and this Energy field pushes these energies to make it real because it is real, just our egoistic mind doesn't allow it because it start questioning how it can happen, when it can happen etc. But this field remove those patterns. And make it happen.

This is the first step of the mirror principal protocol, which is incredibly important. The next step is to master the image. I like to call this image mastery. In order to master the image that you're presenting to the Mirror Cycle of Creater Energy Field , you must focus on what you want and what you have. What do I mean by that? What do most people do when they set a goal? "I want to have a business that's bringing me enough money to retire and spend time with my family." You know, that's $20,000, $30,000 a month. "I want to do that, start a business. Oh no, but I don't know so much. I don't know how I'm going to get there. What if it doesn't work? Oh no, so many steps, I don't know where to go." What do you know? What do you have? Focus on that. Stop focusing on the unknown, what you don't know, and what you don't have. Focus on what you do know and what you do have.

The mirror reflects the purified contents of your attitude. So focus on what you want and what you already have. Shift your attention away from what you don't know and what you don't have.

Now you might be wondering, "Miracle Saint, what do I do when things don't go my way and I have setbacks?" Remember, the crucial part to mastering the image is my attitude, the attitude that I'm presenting to this mirror of reality. Therefore, if you are encountering a setback, you're trying to make $20,000 a month, first month you make $10,000 or $2,000 or $1,000, next month you make a little bit more, but then the following month you go back down, you're like, "Oh no, everything's crash and burn." No, this is just a blessing in disguise, there's a lesson to be learned in here. So now I've taken the negative and I've turned it into a positive. I don't know what the lesson is, I don't know, maybe God is protecting me from something. I really wanted this event to happen, or I wanted to show up on time for that thing, but then I couldn't, but somehow there's a blessing here, there's a blessing in disguise. That's how you have to view it. Blessing in disguise, keep your attitude intact, never let the reflection affect your image. That's what the sheep do. I'm sorry, I just, I had to say, like that's what most people who follow like a bunch of zombies and sheep, listen to other people, yes men, that's Yes Men, that's what they do. You want to walk your own path, you have to have the courage to look at the reflection and say, "Not for me, just temporary." This reflection, our thoughts, feelings, and attitudes from the past that are manifesting right now, don't determine what the future will be. It's easier said than done, of course. The greatest things in life are easier said than done. That's why most people never do it. That's why most people never succeed because not many are willing to walk the walk.

The best thing this Energy Field does that it aligns your thoughts (AKA attitudes), your words that you speak, and your actions. Alignment of thoughts, words, and actions allows you to stay congruent to what you want and align outer and inner intention. Most people think one thing, say something else, and then take a completely different action. One day they think, "Oh, I want to be a millionaire," and the next day they're like, "Okay, but I have nothing in my bank account. I don't think I'm going to be a millionaire." Then they go back to their jobs and they don't try, so it's incongruent. Think you want to be a millionaire, and think like a millionaire, speak like one. Don't complain about little bills and little things that happen. Don't act all petty when you lose a little bit of money. What would a millionaire do? How would a millionaire speak? How would a millionaire act? If you do want that thing in your life, think like it, speak like it, act like it. Have the courage to act like it now, in this moment, to the best of your ability.

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Mirror Cycle Of Creator Energy Field

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